All about Minimizing

Monday, April 9, 2012

Full Liquids...Yah Baby!!

I brought my week of clear liquids to an end this morning, it was about 8 hours early but I could not face drinking broth again for breakfast.  So I had yogurt this, creamy gooey yogurt!!  I actually had to use a spoon, who knew using utensils could be worthy of a celebration!!    All the sudden my menu options have quadrupled and it is a bit more disgusting Profect to get my protein in.  I have also started having planned 'meal times' again.  This morning I stopped drinking 30 min before my yogurt and didn't resume my drinking until 1 hour after.  Even though most of what I am 'eating' is still liquid I wanted to get myself back on track with planning and separating ASAP, as that was probably the hardest habit to start pre-op.

I have stats for the last two weeks and I just keep forgetting to put them in my super-duper awesome excel spreadsheet and post them, I will have a pretty slow afternoon at work tomorrow and I'll do it then.....speaking of work.  I started back today and holy cracker jacks was I a busy little lady, the person that I passed my projects off to 'forgot' to do anything with them and we go to print tomorrow afternoon at 2pm.  I was a formatting, editing fool and I didn't even get a chance to open blogger-and that is just ridiculous!!  But tomorrow after I send all the stuff to the printer I will have a nice open schedule, with lots of blogging time.

I work for a company based in Bethpage, NY and one of the people from my department out there is in town for the week.  I asked him if he wanted to come to dinner tomorrow and he actually accepted, I was not really expecting this.  He has been out here a lot in the past year and has never taken me up on my invites, but I just keep extending them.  Today when I did it, it was almost a joke and he said "I told myself that this trip I was going to make more of an effort to be social."  After he accepted I also invited another gentleman we work with and his wife.  While I am happy that he is making an effort to come out of his shell, I am now obligated to feed him!!  I picked something yummy that Peaches had requested recently, Greek meatloaf, garlic mashed potatos, sherry green beans, black pepper-cheddar biscuits and black magic cake for dessert.  This also happens to be one of my fav meals of all time!  I think it will be a true test of willpower to keep my mits of any of it.  I will be dining on some beer cheese soup.....with no dessert.

Oh, oh, oh...before I forget.  Hiccups, holy cracker jacks those put a hurtin on this hippo!!  I got them this afternoon and was nearly in tears before they went away.  Did they hurt so freaking bad because I am still healing or are they always this torturous?  Please tell me they will never be that bad again.


  1. It's absolute heaven when you go onto full liquids isn't it!? Sounds like you're doing absolutely great!! x

  2. hiccups were crappy for a couple of weeks post-op. I am fine with them now. Now they are kind of my alarm system, like do not take another bite or we are going to be praying to the porcelain gods.

    Sounds like you are doing awesome with your eating so far.
