All about Minimizing

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Blanche DuBois is in residence....

Day three dawned bright and early with Blanche (my crazy alter ego) out in all her glory.  I watched the Smurfs and spent over half the movie crying about Azarel, the cat.  It's not her fault her that her dad is Gargamel and everyone is sooo mean to her!!  She is just misunderstood.

Then I got upset with Peaches because I could hear him chewing his lunch.  I could HEAR it, feel it even, like he had the bass turned way up on his own little sound system.  Of course I handled this with maturity and told him to go chew somewhere else.  Obviously he was being very inconsiderate by flaunting his need to chew.

Then while walking around my neighborhood I passed a young man in a wheelchair, possibly with cerebral palsy.  He was holding up a Spongebob blanket like a flag and the woman was pushing him was running.  The were both laughing hysterically and he was yelling 'I'm Flying!!'.  It was just a really fun thing to witness, so what do you do when you see something fun?  You cry of course!  Like a giant effing baby, with snot running down your face.

Give me a C.  Give me an R.  Give me an A.  Give me a Z.  Give me a Y.  What does that spell?  Morgan has lost her frigging mind!!   Yah!!!

Peaches thinks I am just emotional with anticipation, and excitement and my anxiety can is overwhelming me a bit.  Has anyone else just lost their shit after surgery?  Maybe a reaction to the drugs?  Before I start the crying or the irrational anger I don't even feel it coming on.  I guess we will just wait and see if it gets any better as we go along....

If I am not following you and you are following me currently please leave me a comment with your blog name in it!  I would love to have you in my reading list!


  1. I went through the exact same thing...I was an emotional roller coaster. It gets better, I swear.

  2. Totally gets better! So with you on the chewing thing..I make mo leave the room if he is eating any's like nails on a chalkboard to me!

  3. I am loving your blog so far, I can't wait to hear more of your adventures. I am just starting on my journey, hopefully to be banded in May. I've started a blog as well: Colleens journey to a healthier life.

  4. It's the lack of'll get better...I promise.

  5. I read somewhere that the presurgery diet and post op diet cause a drastic drop in estrogen levels and you are likely to experience emotions similar to baby blues after birth or PMS, etc. I had a smidge of it I guess, but believe in the estrogen thing since I have not had a period since the birth of my son who is 2 and a half, due to severe PCOS caused by my weight, and now am starting, I think due to the estrogen drop. ANYWAY.... I read an article today that I wish I had seen before banding, but glad I at least read it before the 4th week, it cleared up a lot of misconceptions for me so I thought I would post the link here for you, for a little light reading if you are interested. http://bariatrictime...-art-of-eating/

    HEAL UP!

  6. Reading and enjoying your blog. Do not have a blog of my own, and may not comment much, as I am super busy with school at the moment1 Good luck on your journey!
